I remember sitting in my bathtub when I was about 25 or so and seeing all of the hair floating in the water. I though it was a bit strange. Did this much hair always fall out of my head? Perhaps I never noticed it as I always took a shower. But the hair kept falling out. For clarification, I am not talking about a lion sized hair ball worth...but it was enough to be removed from the drain at the end of the bath.

Later, I caught sight of the top of my head in the office bathroom. Was that a bald spot? I looked more carefully. I was intrigued and saddened. It was true - the more hair you lose from your head, the more hair you gain on your back. Obviously, I was facing a tough decision. What do I do? Do I employ the combover? What about the bald man's pony tail? I did have a pony tail in my early 20's and I though I looked pretty cool (I cannot account for anyone else's views). What about shaving my head? That seemed like a decent idea as it would also make me look tough (a look I was never able to pull off before). So I made a deal with my close friends: when enough of my hair had fallen out that it was really starting to show, they needed to tell me so I could shave my head. Well, a couple of years went by and no one said anything. Then, at the most peculiar time before a major life event, those SAME people asked me, "Dude, what is up with the combover??" I couldn't believe it! I didn't have a damn combover...I just parted my anemic hair to the side. Where the heck were they before that day with the advice to shave my head?? Nowhere.
So I shaved my head. Not all at once. First, I had it trimmed short. Then I went back a couple days later and had it trimmed even shorter. Then I bought some hair shears and shaved it. Finally, while in Sicily, on a day as hot as hell will be once Charlie Sheen enters it, I shaved it with a razor. Thus, I was finally welcomed to the brotherhood and sisterhood of truly shaved heads. This all leads me to my point.

I was having dinner with some friends that my wife and I met through my kids Montessori school. The guy is very much into marketing and cool stuff...and he asked me if I had ever heard of the Head Blade. I glanced side-to-side and slowly told him that I had not. I have to admit I felt a little self-conscious. I mean I am the bald guy...I should know everything about shaved heads. Who was the first person to shave their head? No problem. Why did monks shave just the crown of their heads? Got it. Why did Sigourney Weaver shave her locks? Easy! It should have been like asking a monkey about bananas...I live this stuff, man! But I didn't know. And to add insult to injury, the fellow telling me has a full head of dark luscious hair. Am I envious? No comment. But life is cruel.
We looked up the Head Blade on line...and it looks like a damn Matchbox car with razor blades. I am not talking Edward Scissor Hands razor blades...but definitely some type of concoction that would come from the brain of an evil toy maker. Yet, there was a cool factor without a doubt. According to the website, you just run it over your hairline like you might have used your hand to slick back your thick coiffure when you were young and verile. Seemed a bit too good to be true. But you know how it goes...when it seems too good to be true...go waste your hard earned money on it to prove you are a moron. So this is exactly what I did.
Next segment...To Head Blade...or Not To Head Blade - that is the question.
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ReplyDeleteI'm at that point of shaving it short, then shorter but havent taken that final leap.